The three plates of the Two Shilling.
'The 2 Shilling Printings'
1935 May 1st. Original issue.Single watermark. 'Deep olive green' Plate 1.
1935 Original issue, single watermark, second perforation.'Deep olive green' Plate 1.
1936 August. Multiple watermark. 'Deep olive green', and 'Olive green'. Plate 1.
1939 March. Multiple watermark and change of perf. 'Olive green' and 'Deep olive green' Plate 1.
1941 July. Multiple watermark. Wartime issue, Waterlow print and perf. 'Olive Green', 'Deep olive green' and 'Pale grey olive'. Plate 1.
1942 Multiple watermark, De La rue print and Waterlow perf. 'Deep Olive Green', 'Olive Green' and 'Dark olive Green' Plate 1.
1942 October, Final printing and change of perforation.'Deep olive green' and 'Dark olive green'. This printing has all three plates being used.
1937 May. 'Deep olive Green' Plate 1
1939 May. 'Deep olive green' ,Plate 1.
1942 March. 'Olive green' ,Plate 1.
1944 'Deep olive green' Plates 1, 2 and 3.